Have you ever felt fed up with “The Church?”
I have.
I have walked out of services and cried in the parking lot.
I have sat through sermons feeling sick to my stomach.
I have been betrayed and lied to,
used and abused.
I have seen Jesus in some of the dirtiest and sin-filled places, but I’ve had a hard time finding him in “organized” Christianity.
I have ranted and raved about hypocrisy.
I have pointed fingers and condemned.
I have thrown my bible across the room, cussed out God, and almost walked away from the whole thing.
But Jesus never found offense in my frustration.
He loved me through all of it.
Even when I mocked his bride and hated her at times.
(And realized I was just raging against myself.)
I have gone to the opposite side and come back around.
I have found grace.
I have accepted that (all) people are infinitely broken and unconditionally loved.
(Including myself)
I have learned that I already have everything I’ve been working so hard to obtain.
I have found freedom amidst the chaos of man-made religion, in the simplicity of Jesus.
And I wrote a book about it, with a friend of mine.
It’s a bit of his story, and a bit of mine.
It’s a (strange) journey through religion into the heart of Jesus.
You might find yourself in this story too.
If you’ve ever felt “burnt out” by Christianity.
If you’ve ever been hurt by people who love God.
If you’ve ever wanted to say “screw it all” and run away,
But Jesus keeps bringing you back.
This book is for you.
Because sometimes we have to fall into pieces before we can fall into peace.
And sometimes we have to tear down in order to rebuild.
And there is always hope in the rubble.